A Day in My Life ft. Ben and Jerry's Factory
7:10 am: Rise and Shine… and Starbucks
For a college student, I can be considered an early riser—funnily enough, there is a timeblock for classes that start at 8:50 am, which I try to avoid as I like to utilize my mornings as work time before the actual start of my classes. I usually do my history class readings during this time; so, as part of my morning routine, you can find me reading away on my laptop inside the local Hanover Starbucks in town.

10:10 am: Intro to Chinese Culture
After Starbucks, I left to go to my first class of the day, Intro to Chinese Culture. We just started our literature unit, so today's class was on Chinese folk poetry and discussing poet Tao Qian's Peach Blossom Spring.
11:45 am: Gym
Since my afternoon/evening was going to be spent at Ben and Jerry's, I decided to go to the gym after class; the gym usually isn't as crowded during this time compared to 5-6 pm, so I'm glad I utilized this time to get a workout in between classes. (FYI: the gym is free to undergraduates!)
12:50 pm: Readings at Irving
Since my reading load for my history class today was heavier than usual, I went to do my last reading at Irving Institute, accompanied by an iced coffee on the side from The Fern cafe, a Dartmouth Dining cafe inside of Irving.

2:10 pm: Nationalism and Revolution in China
Headed to my second (and last) class of the day! Today, we are discussing the founding of the Chinese Communist Party accompanied by a few primary and secondary sources that we read before the start of class.
3:30 pm: Drive to Ben and Jerry's Factory Tour
After class, my friend/fellow blogger Diana '23+1 and I decided to take a trip to the Ben and Jerry's factory in Waterbury, VT. Since Diana is graduating this year, one of her bucket list goals was to visit the ice cream factory, so we decided to pay the factory a visit. After a short 1 hour drive, we made it to Ben and Jerry's! We booked a guided factory tour that started with the founding of Ben and Jerry's to its production room, and ended with a sweet snack in the Flavor Room.

7:00 pm: Dinner at "The Hop" (Courtyard Cafe)
Diana and I got dinner at Courtyard Cafe, another Dartmouth Dining location located inside the Hopkins Center for the Arts. On our way back, we scheduled an order with Courtyard Cafe so it'd be ready when we got back. My go-to order at "The Hop" is a create-your-own salad, and some berries from the yogurt bar!
8:30 pm - 11:00: Winding Down…
After a long day, I used this time to catch up on some work such as editing blogs for People, Places, Pines (this blog), reviewing work from Dartmouth Alumni Magazine, or planning out my priorities for the next day. Additionally, some good Netflix is part of my favorite pastime activities, especially comfort shows such as Grey's Anatomy or Suits!