My Winter Classes!
I can't believe that my second winterim has already begun—being on for 6 straight terms, I'm a little bit tired. However, if you're keeping up with my posts you know that I always begin the term with a breakdown of my classes! As a prospective student, I always wanted to know more about academic life and coursework at Dartmouth; hopefully these posts give me the chance to help those who want to know more about academic life at Dartmouth.
One of my classes is Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. As somebody who wants to do humanities-based research, I am definitely interested in the anthropological method. Because of this, I am taking this class in order to test the waters of an Anthropology minor as I continue to develop my research interests. I hope I am able to get a better understanding of how to conduct anthropological fieldwork through the class.
I'm also taking an art history class on the ethics of museums. What should and shouldn't a museum exhibit? The reason I'm taking this class is due to my research interests in Saudi Arabia—the initiatives of the royal Saudi family to present news, culture, and national life as a sort of curated 'exhibition' especially interests me. So, from this course I hope that I'm better able to draw parallels between artistic exhibition and political exhibition.
Another class I'm taking is modern media theory. This class specifically focused on German development of media technology like the telegraph and typewriter until modern media technologies like social media. Because of media's pervasive influence, I think this class will be useful to me regardless of what I pursue in my academic future; it should also be a good way to get out of my academic comfort zone.
Finally, I'm continuing to take Arabic this term. There are two things to say here: Arabic is fun, and Arabic is hard.
So, those are my classes for this winter! Stay posted on the blog, as I'm excited to provide updates about midterms, finals, and other course information.