Academic Deep Dive
Dartmouth runs on the quarter system as opposed to a semester system. We have our fall, winter, spring, and summer quarters as opposed to a fall and spring semester. We call our system the "D-Plan" because it is so unique and we have the ability to take "on" or "off" terms.
Check out this blog post for more info!
During each term, used nterchangeably with quarter, students typically take three courses. This term, I am taking a rigorous course load.
So, just what three courses am I taking during my first Winter Term at Dartmouth?
Writing 5: Image and Text
Writing 5 is one of the required writing classes for first-years. All Writing 5 classes are small 16 people discussion based classes. This course focuses on the writing process, close reading of different texts, and strengthening analysis skills. There are countless Writing 5 options to choose from! Here is a full list of Writ 5 classes Dartmouth offered in the past.
My class, Image and Text, meets twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays for roughly two hours. This is my first term taking classes that meet on Tuesday and Thursday (as opposed to classes that meet for 65 minutes each Monday, Wednesday and Friday), and I've found that I really enjoy this structure. I love the texts and materials I have the opportunity to engage with in this class. We read such varied types of texts and analyze creative and otherworldly pieces of art. The most recent paper I wrote for this class was about how the written word, photography, art, and grief interact with each other. Image and Text has pushed my thinking in such interesting ways!
English 61.04: Madness, Magic, Metamorphoses: Unstable Character in Early Modern Drama
This is a small, high-level discussion based English class. This class is classified as a Junior Colloquia, a high level English class that all English majors take during their Junior year to prepare them for the type of work and study they will do in their Senior year. There are tons of fascinating Junior Colloquias offered. While there are students from all years in my class, I am certainly the only first-year.
This class is taught by Professor Beckman. She is such a brilliant and kindhearted professor. I have really benefited from meeting with her in office hours. We have read King Lear, The Alchemist, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and The Roaring Girl alongside various other academic papers. I leave every class amazed and filled with so much new knowledge. I have learned so much about Renaissance literature and the college writing process. I love engaging in fascinating topics and discussion in this challenging high-level class!
Spanish 2: Intermediate Spanish
Even if taking a language was not a requirement at Dartmouth, I would still be taking a language. I truly love the process of learning a new language. I placed into Spanish 2, so this is my first term of a language at Dartmouth, and I plan to take Spanish 3 next term.
I was deciding whether to take Spanish or Hebrew earlier this year, and I eventually ended up with Spanish, but my friends who are taking Hebrew love it! Professor Monetti teaches my class and is so nice and knowledgeable. This small discussion based class meets Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday for 50 minutes. We use VHL, an online textbook for homework, and have a couple of tests, in-class writing compositions, a presentation, and a final. In addition to class, we also have something called Drill. A drill instructor, a student who is either a native speaker or excelled at the language, meets with a group of around 8 students four times a week for 50 minutes outside of the designated class time. We practice our listening and speaking skills. I really enjoy learning from my peers in Drill.