Sophomore Summer: Dance, Acapella, and more!
As Sophomore Summer moves into the second half of the term, I've found that auditioning for and dancing in a summer dance group has been one of my term's highlights!
Dance groups, acapella groups, and comedy groups are a big part of the Dartmouth campus activity scene–every fall, freshmen and sophomores interested in being a part of one of these groups audition for a spot among the groups, who perform shows throughout the term at Greek houses and other events! As a singer, I chose acapella to be my activity of choice, and have been part of an acapella group (the Rockapellas) since my freshman year. (You can read about some of my experiences here!)
But Sophomore Summer offers a unique opportunity. With less people on campus, the typical campus groups don't have enough members to perform; thus, they recruit some more! The usual members help guide and lead their new members, teaching them arrangements, dances, and more.

Sophomores have a chance to audition for a different activity or an activity that they've always wanted to do; in the spirit of summer and fun, they can audition and participate in their activity of choice even if they are an amateur. One of the acapella groups this summer is called Tone Deaf, singing in good fun with people who call themselves tone deaf!

I auditioned for some dance groups early this term, looking for a new experience! I've always enjoyed dancing, having done ballet and tap when I was younger. I ended up in Ujimelt, the summer dance group run by Ujima (with fellow blogger Memo)! We've had one show so far, but we've got two more in the works. It's been a really fun experience learning how dance groups operate their practices, and getting back into the groove, literally and figuratively, of dancing! A couple of weeks ago we had a large performance involving all the dance groups and acapella groups, and everyone got to have their moment to shine as we cheered each other on.

I'll definitely miss dancing when the fall rolls back around, but I'm really happy that this gets to be one of the highlights for my Sophomore Summer!