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A photo of Tuck Drive during sunset. Baker Tower is visible at the end of the road.

This summer, I'll be taking another term of classes—but I won't be in Hanover. Along with 17 other students, a Dartmouth professor, and a director's assistant, I'll be traveling to Rome! During the 10-week summer term, my cohort will be taking Italian 1 and Italian 2, along with a class centered on Italian culture (Italian 4). This study abroad program is called FIRE, which stands for Full Immersion Rome Experience. For the duration of our time in Rome, we will be staying in apartments in the neighborhood of Trastevere and living like the Romans do (to the best of our abilities). 

I first heard about this program while browsing the Guarini Institute website for information about another study abroad program I will be participating in: the Classics FSP in Greece. I won't get too much into the different types of study abroad programs in this blog post, but here's a great source of information to learn more: O Term GuideI applied to FIRE in the winter and heard back about my acceptance before the decision date of March 1st. As part of my application, I had to fill out a few forms, write answers for essay questions, and have an interview with the professor leading the program. The process was seamless, and the Guarini Institute was there to answer any questions I had along the way!

As a Classics major, the most exciting aspect of the trip is the opportunity to explore the multitude of museums and archeological sites in Rome. Being able to see the places I have learned about in my classes in person will be incredible! Some of the top items on my bucket list are throwing a coin into the Trevi Fountain and wandering around the Galleria Borghese.

Another part of the trip that I'm looking forward to is fully immersing myself in learning Italian. I have never learned a language in this way before, so it will be a completely new experience. I hope that by committing myself to studying Italian, I will be able to pick up the language fairly quickly! Over the summer, I also plan to keep up my study of Latin. It will be a remarkable experience to read poetry about the city that I'm living in and know that the ancient poets visited the very same places that I will go.

There's so much to look forward to—a significant aspect of the trip is that the students have to cook their own meals, which is a bit daunting for someone who currently eats on an unlimited college dining plan. Ultimately, I'm thrilled for the chance to cook my own meals, and I hope that by spending time together in the kitchen and around the dining table, I'm able to get to know my fellow students better! As I count down the days until departure, my excitement only grows. I plan to blog about my summer in Rome, and I hope you follow along! I encourage you to check out the Guarini Institute website for yourself—I'm sure you'll find a program that interests you.

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