Dartmouth offers a variety of study abroad programs. In this post, I interviewed a member of the class of 2027 who went on the ASCL Chinese LSA+ during the summer of 2024.
Cal Shin 2027
I recently completed a language-pledge homestay week in the village of Orvinio, Italy as a part of the Dartmouth F.I.R.E. Italian study abroad program!
Lauren Groulx 2027 -
As I head into the final week of my LSA in Spain, I want to share my reflections on finding balance while taking four classes and being immersed in a language in another country.
Lily Johnson 2027 -
You have questions about the foreign language requirement at Dartmouth? Read on. I've got answers.
Kalina Duncheva 2027 -
Dartmouth is truly a basecamp to the world with so many opportunities abroad (and in the US!).
Caroline York 2025 -
Bonjour! It has been a while since you've heard from me, but I was indeed on a Language Study Abroad (LSA) program in southern France (Toulouse) for the winter term. Here are my reflections on being back!
Batuhan Saridede 2026 -
This week I interviewed my friend who is doing an exchange program in University College London, a popular study abroad program though the economics department.
Eda Naz Gokdemir 2025 -
Have you heard that I studied abroad in Italy? Don't ask me about it unless you have a couple hours to kill! Study abroad programs at Dartmouth have so much to offer.
Chelsea Mills 2026