Kabir Beotra
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Kabir's D-Plan
What's a D-Plan?-
FallOn Campus
Favorite Class: WRIT005 Food For ThoughtMy Writing 5 class was definitely my favorite class this term — it opened my eyes to the realities of the food industry, strengthened my skills as a writer, and helped me make a ton of new friends.
WinterOn Campus
Favorite Class: WGSS07.04 Women in Global JournalismMy seminar was possibly the best class I've taken so far at Dartmouth. I learned about the importance of free speech and journalists in a democratic society, and how those rights to freedom are being stripped everywhere, all the time.
SpringOn Campus
Favorite Class: PSYC28 Cognitive PsychologyI've loved Cognitive Psychology as a class so far, especially because of the cool demos that the professor uses to illustrate every type of phenomena we learn about. From illusions to memory tests, it's so cool to see how the human psyche can be tricked so very easily.
I just took part in my first theatre production! Read on more about the theatre department, and how it completely changed my view of art at Dartmouth.
The Authentic Dartmouth Experience
If you're a visiting as a prospective or future student, here's how you can make the most of your experience!
My Firsts Halfway Through The Term
Firsts — what they mean, and how they come to life at a place like Dartmouth.
Dartmouth Etymology
Important phrases that make your Dartmouth experience, and application, more authentic and fun!
The Alumni Interview: Decoded
Retrospective thoughts on the alumni interview — why I shouldn't have stressed out, and why you shouldn't either!
Musings Through Winter(im)
A breakdown of the thoughts swirling in my head as I experienced winterim.
A Word of Advice for the ED Admits for the Class of 2027
When I was in your shoes last year, here's what I wish I did and more importantly, did NOT do.
My Favorite Places to Study on Campus
Read this post to gain some insight on the best places (in my opinion) to study on campus!