My Art History class had a field trip to New York City for one weekend over our sophomore summer!
Lauren Halsey 2026
The Book Arts Workshop is the ideal place for anyone eager to step out of their routine and experiment with something fresh.
Taylor Wen 2027 -
Happy middle-of-the-term! A month into my Foreign Study Program (FSP), here are some of the highlights of my time in the UK so far.
Olivia Koo 2026 -
One of my favorite places on campus is open to the public and free for all.
Kennedy Hamblen 2024 -
Dartmouth has many hidden gems, and sometimes you can take it literally! With a free afternoon on my hand this Wednesday, I explored the Donald Claflin Jewelry Studio and made a necklace!
Dartmouth Jewelry Studio Website Wen 2027 -
I just took part in my first theatre production! Read on more about the theatre department, and how it completely changed my view of art at Dartmouth.
Kabir Beotra 2026 -
Collis Craft Nights are the most underrated events on campus. If you are looking for chill artsy Friday nights, these are the events for you.
Alex Campbell 2026 -
Before applying and coming to Dartmouth, I had absolutely no idea what the liberal arts meant. Now, I love the liberal arts and could not be happier exploring it.
Chase Harvey 2025 -
When I applied to college, I was dead set on studying only music and neuroscience. However, I now say go take that course that has nothing to do with your major and maybe find a new passion.
Chase Harvey 2025