Branching Out Academically
When I applied to college, I was dead set on studying music and neuroscience. However, I decided to make music my priority because it is what I am truly passionate about. Although I am definitely still studying music, Dartmouth's academic system has allowed me to explore more subjects I never had the opportunity to discover. It's okay to change your major or even simply major in one thing with no minors! I've learned that you should really try to branch out your scope of knowledge by fulfilling distributive requirements with random classes that peak your interest. And that is exactly what I am going to talk about.
In the fall term, I took a class called Marine Policy. It's regarded as one of the best classes to take. The class was an environmental studies class which is something I never experienced or studied. I realized that it was such a fascinating subject to talk about. Even though I am not majoring or minoring in environmental studies, this course definitely has changed my perspective on so many things. I might even take another class with Professor D.G. Webster because she really made me love the subject.

During the winter term, I took a sculpture class. Although I knew I loved making art, it was so cool to learn about it at a collegiate level. I gained the opportunity to work with a much wider range of materials and learned about the world of 3D art making. I am currently deciding if I want to minor in studio art. However, studio art classes take a lot of time, so I may instead just take more studio art classes for fun. If I were to take more classes, I would definitely pursue taking Sculpture 2 and 3.
Currently, I am taking a computer science class called Programming for Interactive Audio-Visual Arts. This course is cross-listed as a music course too, but it made me very interested in computer science—something I never thought about! I am now considering doing a minor in computer science or digital arts. In the summer, I will be studying Italian in Rome. In order to prepare, I started learning basic Italian on my own, and I have found it to be very fun learning a language every day. If I love Italian more than computer science, then I will minor in Italian potentially! There are endless amounts of possibilities, but it really depends on how much you put yourself out there academically. Go take that course that has nothing to do with your major and maybe find a new passion.