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A photo of the Hopkins Center for the Arts at Dartmouth

One of my favorite spaces on campus is the Hopkins Center for the Arts, or "the Hop." It's a vibrant hub for creativity and community that houses the Hood Museum, the Courtyard Café, and several other resources for students. While the Hop is currently undergoing a major renovation, I want to share why it's one of my favorite places on campus.

The Hood Museum is located within the Hop, which constantly displays rotating exhibitions that take advantage of the massive museum collection. Admission is free for students and non-students alike, which makes it really easy to stop by the Hood at any time and look through the exhibits. In addition, Dartmouth students frequently go to the Hood as part of class activities. For example, in my Rural Anthropology class last week, we went to the Hood to analyze pieces of artwork that aim to depict, romanticize, or criticize rurality. Having the chance to tie the arts into my courses is very rewarding, and has really helped me enrich my learning.

Another component of the Hop that I love is the Courtyard Cafe, a grill-style dining option on campus. The Courtyard Cafe serves hamburgers, quesos, chicken sandwiches, salads, and many other kinds of food. Because of all the options, I love getting meals with my friends at the Courtyard Cafe. 

For those passionate about the arts, the Hop offers soundproof practice rooms that are perfect for musicians. Many of my friends use these rooms to rehearse their instruments or refine performances. Each room is equipped with a piano and mirrors, making it a versatile space for music, dance, or even theater practice.

Currently, the Hop is undergoing renovations—with the administration is making lots of effort to factor in student feedback to renovation programs. Through increased funding opportunities and fellowship programs, the Hop is becoming a place where students can receive financial and institutional support for all kinds of creative projects. I recently applied for a grant for a documentary about beekeepers in rural New Hampshire and Vermont, and was able to receive funding—this sort of material support will certainly be helpful for Dartmouth students to realize their creative projects. 

Overall, the Hop is one of my favorite spaces on campus due to the diversity of spaces and the support that it provides to students. It is definitely a must-see spot for any prospective students visiting campus!

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