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A photo of a street in Toronto

One of my favorite parts about Dartmouth is that you can find funding to do just about anything related to your academic or extracurricular goals. This past weekend, I received funding from the Hopkins Center for the Arts to attend HotDocs, North America's largest documentary film festival, in Toronto. In this post, I want to share my experience and also give some insight into funding opportunities for unique opportunities like this one. 

I spent four days in Toronto, and in that time I watched 11 films at the festival! One of my favorite parts about the experience was that the films' directors were available for Q&A sessions after each screening – being able to get a deeper understanding of how the documentary was produced was incredibly rewarding. Also, just being in the space of a prestigious film festival was inspirational and valuable; it was lots of fun to be surrounded by others passionate about watching and creating documentaries. 

Another valuable aspect of the trip was exploring Toronto for the first time. The city was great, with beautiful scenery, great food, and lots of distinct neighborhoods. Dartmouth has enabled me to visit so many cities around the world that I never would have expected myself to find myself in – the combination of grant funds and study-abroad programs means that there are certainly lots of opportunities for students to expand their horizons. 

I received funding for the trip from the Hop Fellows program, which you can read more about here. As part of the fellowship, students can each select one independent enrichment activity that aligns with their creative interests. For me, it was a documentary film festival; however, I know other students who went to jewelry workshops, creative writing conferences, live theater productions, and lots of other artistic enrichment experiences. The flexibility of this funding is incredible, and broadly represents the funding available on Dartmouth's campus for all sorts of different opportunities. 

There are tons of funding sources for non-arts-related experiences at Dartmouth, too. The Dickey Center provides funding for international opportunities, the Leslie Center for the Humanities provides funding for academic research trips in the humanities, and the Center for Professional Development provides funding for all sorts of different career-related enrichment trips. The list goes on and on – the wide amount of funding opportunities available at Dartmouth is one of my favorite parts about the school, and they have allowed me to go on lots of amazing trips!

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