Lauren Groulx
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Lauren's D-Plan
What's a D-Plan?-
FallHanover, NH
Favorite Class: WRIT 5 Deus et Machina: Sports, Science and EthicsI took this class as part of Dartmouth's first year writing requirement. We read a pro cyclist's life narrative, discussed research papers on controversial topics in sports, and wrote our own papers on a contentious sports technology of our choice. I really enjoyed this course's emphasis on discussion, and the small class size!
Favorite Class: CLST 11.17 Greek AthleticsThis was my first class in the classics department, which was super exciting as a classical studies major! We learned about the ancient Olympics and the connections between athletics and other aspects of ancient Greek society. I loved the final project in this class, which involved creating an argument about how the ancient pentathlon was scored!
Favorite Class: LAT 3 Latin 3To conclude my language requirement, I took Latin 3! This class was super exciting because we began to read ancient texts and poetry. We also took a class trip to the Rauner Special Collections library so we could physically handle and read some manuscripts. And as an added bonus, Latin counts as a prerequisite for my classical studies major!
SummerRome, Italy
Favorite Class: ITAL 4 Reading RomeAs a part of my language study abroad in Italy, I also took a class on Italian history and culture! We went on field trips to the Colosseum and the Roman Forum, participated in walking tours of Rome, and watched a lot of great cinema in this class! I loved it so much that I decided to minor in Italian.
Favorite Class: CLST 6 Classical ArchaeologyThis class, in addition to being a pre-requisite for my major, was super interesting! I loved learning about archaeology through hands-on projects and lectures that felt like TED Talks.
WinterRome, Italy
Favorite Class: ITAL 10 Italian Literature: Masterworks and Great IssuesMy favorite course on my Italian LSA+ in Rome is focused on Italian literature, which we are studying in a reverse-chronological order! It has been incredibly fun to see different topics and styles evolve over time and to learn from the works of the best writers.
Roma (Di Nuovo), and Tips for Studying Abroad
What I've learned about studying abroad, and what I'll be doing differently this time!
What My Family Really Wants to Know About Dartmouth
Answers to a few questions about Dartmouth (and Hanover) that keep popping during my Winterim conversations!
My Take on the D-Plan
The D-Plan. Love it or hate it, it's an essential aspect of Dartmouth.
Please Allow Me to (Re) Introduce Myself
I'd like to take this opportunity to (re)introduce myself to you all before my second year at Dartmouth!