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Weekend Shenanigans

A weekend of embracing the cold and finding fun activities to do! From winning money at a game show to the Annual Snowball Fight, this weekend is a core memory of my experience with Dartmouth winters!

An image of a student holding a water bottle and weaning a beanie that reads "First-Gen Proud"

First-Gen Week!

The first-generation community at Dartmouth is an extremely tight knit and supportive community! This past week, we celebrated first-gen week, with a myriad of activities and lots of chances to meet new people!

An image of a sunset in Sri Lanka near the ocean

Back Home

My journey home for winter break (winterim) after an entire year of being away from family and friends! The winter break is six weeks from late November to Early January, and students may stay on campus with provided housing and meal plans.

An image of an orange and pink sunset with rolling hills that have red green and yellow trees

My First Gile Hike

Even though it is my third fall at Dartmouth, I had never been to Gile Mountain. This week I remedied that and caught the most beautiful sunset!
