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An image of a blue-green ocean from the roadside, with boats and trees

Travelling back home after an entire year of being away feels like a blessing. Nothing can compare to the Sri Lankan sun, sand and sea. Dartmouth has helped me travel to so many places in 2024. Through my study abroad program in Berlin, Germany I also travelled to Prague, Czech Republic and Nice, France. I then spent a summer in Ohio at my internship program, which I got by attending the All-Ivy Environmental Career Fair through Dartmouth. Financial aid at Dartmouth covers all expenses depending on need, including travel. Students receiving 100% financial aid will receive a $1500 stipend for travel every academic year! This allows most students to travel home for the break annually. Since I aim to intern every summer, I take the opportunity to go home for the winter break. Dartmouth runs on a quarter system, which means that all classes and exams finish before Thanksgiving, leaving us with a six-week break, perfect for international students to travel home! 

During one weekend this break, my family and I travelled to the South of Sri Lanka! Our first stop was the natural pools at Thalpe Beach. 

An image of natural sea pools by a beach
The natural pools at Thalpe

Moving to Dartmouth as an international student means a lot of tearful goodbyes. I still find it hard to believe that I now live halfway across the world from home. The community I have made at Dartmouth makes me feel at home every day, and I am so grateful for the wonderful individuals I have met here. However, I really took these six weeks at home to spend as much time with my family as I could.

An image of two people smiling at the camera in front of a blue-green ocean.
My mum and I enjoying lunch by the seaside in Polhena, Sri Lanka

On campus, the International Student Association is very active and organizes many events to help students connect. There are also multiple student-led organizations to bring together students from specific parts of the world! When I feel homesick, I love to cook some food from home, which is easy to organize as there are kitchens available in every dorm. I am constantly surprised by the many opportunities that Dartmouth presents for travel. Browse through this website for more details about the countless study abroad programs available to undergraduate students! 

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