Why I Continue to Choose Dartmouth
The people at Dartmouth make Dartmouth what it is. Dartmouth is in a rural area, so people are really intentional about coming here and are excited about being here. Because we are such a small student body, we are a tight knit group. I almost never cross the Green without seeing someone from my hall, class, or activity that I wave to.

Because Dartmouth is a college, professors are solely focused on undergraduates and want to get to know us. In my "NAS 25: Indian Country Today" class with over eighty people, Professor Duthu knew everyone's names! In my "BIOL 13: Gene Expression and Inheritance" office hours, Professor Thomas Jack would go above and beyond in answering my questions and wanted to get to know me as a person. He even walked several miles in a snow storm to hold class. That is dedication!
The Upper Valley has so many opportunities to explore. Admittedly, I was not outdoorsy before coming to Dartmouth, but that changed when I encountered the beautiful New Hampshire woods. Now I go on runs in Pine Park, Occum, and in the broader area.
The class structure is great. My high school ran on a quarter system, and I wanted the same structure in college, which Dartmouth has. The D-Plan consists of four 10 week terms: Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring. While the classes are fast paced, you complete them in just 10 weeks! We also just take three classes at a time, which allows us to dive deep into the subject material.

Students are very involved. Almost everyone I know is highly committed to at least one extracurricular. They're not just checking boxes for their resumes; students love what they do—whether it's a DI sport, acapella group, writing for The Dartmouth, religious groups, or their Greek space. In these groups, students make friends in all class years. Some of my closest friends have come from The D, Dartmouth EMS, and even this blog (hey Emily and Paulina)!
When considering your college choice, make sure to consider beyond the academics of a school. The people, traditions, and everything else that makes a college unique. For me, Dartmouth had the most unique qualities about it, and that's why I'm here and continue to choose Dartmouth!