There's no such thing as one "correct" way to plan out your academic journey, and Dartmouth has helped me realize that over the past several months.
Gavin Fry 2025
Freshman summer can be hard to plan and fill – here is how I went about mine!
Luke Grayson 2025 -
After six quarters of consecutive classes at Dartmouth, I spent my summer living and working in Washington D.C.. Here's how it went!
Robin Martinez 2023 -
I'd like to talk a little bit about exploring your future career and the opportunities Dartmouth offers to guide you. What should you get involved in your first year? Let's use my first year as a case study!
Gavin Fry 2025 -
I'm nearing the end of my first year of college and I've gained some perspective on my mentality and how Dartmouth has sculpted my mindset.
Gavin Fry 2025 -
Over the past few weeks, I've become very appreciative of the Dartmouth "D-Plan" and professors and how they allow you to explore your interests beyond Darty.
Gavin Fry 2025 -
For the D-Plan, do students take classes for all four quarters a year or can they take one quarter off a year?
A:Although the D-Plan seems complicated, I truly have enjoyed learning about how I will be able to plan out my next four years at Dartmouth. Almost all students take a quarter off a year instead of taking classes all four quarters during the year.
Chase Harvey 2025 -
Dartmouth's quarter system allows for a break between fall and winter terms, appropriately named "winterim." It's a great time to relax and reconnect with family, but there are opportunities you should pursue. Let me explain…
Gavin Fry 2025 -
I am missing various aspects of campus life. Rush has come and gone, and people have had endless dinners and conversations in places I consider home. And it has made me realize that I am missing Dartmouth.
Tulio Huggins 2023