Beach house or cabin in the woods? If you asked last week, I would have said, "Beach house!" without a second thought. But I had never been to a cabin in the woods. Read on to find out how Dartmouth students can stay in a cabin for free!!
You might be thinking, "6 weeks?! What am I supposed to do for 6 weeks?" I had the same reaction when I heard about Winterim. Maybe, if I tell you how I plan on spending the time, it'll convince you that 6 weeks isn't too long at all.
Hiking the fifty is a badge of honour at Dartmouth, and is its most challenging traditions. I just did it in my freshman fall; here is my recount. Enjoy!
Hey blog, I'm not in California anymore! Visiting Gile Mountain is a magical 75-minute escape from campus into the breathtaking wilderness of Norwich, Vermont.