Dartmouth is home to a diverse range of students that will become your lifelong friends. For this blog post, I thought I'd interview a few of my fellow '24s to give you a glimpse into the crazy awesome people that make Dartmouth, Dartmouth!
Since Dartmouth is on a fast-paced quarter system, students are constantly soaking in new information. Let me take you through a day in my life preparing for my Education 1 and Econ 1 midterms!
Today, I thought I'd reflect on my Dartmouth move in experience and share how I've been adjusting to residential life at West House so far in the "new norm."
Hey hey hey! I'm Sydney and I'm a '24. I'm a third-generation Chinese-American who has moved around quite a bit, attending British school while living in Spain, international school in the Philippines, and boarding school in California.