Making a Journal from Scratch: The Book Arts Workshop
Journal? Pamphlet? Zine? You name it, you can make it at the Book Arts Workshop, located in Baker-Berry Library.
There is no better time to take a well-deserved break than during finals week. As my fellow admissions blogger Brendilou and I were studying hard on the 2nd floor of Berry Library, we suddenly wanted to make journals. We had never been to the Book Arts Workshop and decided to take a trip downstairs to explore it.
The entire space is filled with materials for bookbinding and letterpress printing. They offer workshops throughout the term and have open studio hours from 2 pm to 8 pm on weekdays, with varying hours on weekends. This studio has such extensive open hours and does not require any training! They have a fantastic collection of ink for calligraphy, which I will be going back to explore.
We met a lovely instructor who walked us through making a small journal! We started with a cutting mat, needles, wax, and paper. Making a small book was pretty simple, and I am so excited to make more. Once we had our journals, we used a few of the countless stamps and paper punches to decorate them. We only brushed the surface of a whole wall of decorations!
One thing I love about Dartmouth is that I am still discovering everything Dartmouth has to offer. I find new places and have new experiences every term. I made a journal on a random Tuesday during finals, and now I have a new place to go when I need a creative break. Stay tuned for updates on my bookbinding journey!