Bridging Continents: The Global Dartmouth Alumni Network
While I'm spending my summer on the other side of the Earth, the Dartmouth connection continues to weave new stories into my life. This summer, the Dartmouth Club of China (DCC) hosted the "Dartmouth College & Beijing Normal University 40th Year Partnership Celebration and Alumni Reception" in my city. The event brought together a diverse group, including the Dartmouth Delegation, visiting LSA+ (Language Study Abroad +) students, incoming students, and alumni.
During the event, Professor Ed Miller, Chair of the Department of Asian Societies, Cultures, and Languages (ASCL), and Bill Clark, Leadership Giving Officer at Dartmouth Advancement, spoke passionately about Dartmouth's long-standing commitment to Chinese language studies and cultural exchange. It was heartwarming to see how dedicated Dartmouth faculties have been to fostering these connections for over 40 years.
This event provided the perfect opportunity for me to connect with other Dartmouth alumni in Beijing, whom I first met last April during Dartmouth's welcome event for the Class of '27 and stayed in touch with throughout my freshman year. I was also able to meet other Dartmouth students and friends on their LSA+ trip, talk with many visiting professors, and welcome the '28s from Beijing.

I was pleasantly surprised by how the Dartmouth connection extends far beyond its campus and even beyond the United States. From the annual alumni reception for incoming students and other official reunions hosted by the dedicated members of the Dartmouth Club of China to more casual and spontaneous meals shared with alumni in my city, I found myself continually amazed by this magical experience. Meeting and bonding with people through our shared identity as Dartmouth students has truly been a remarkable journey.