The always stunning view from Mt Cardigan - pictured are Mts. Moose, Holt's Ledge, Winslow Ledge, and Smarts
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A landscape shot of frozen Lake Morey covered in snow with benches in the foreground.

About a week ago, I sat on my computer, somewhat distracted from work, and I wondered what outdoor opportunities I could take advantage of in the near future. Looking for inspiration, I opened Trailhead, the online platform for the Dartmouth Outing Club (DOC), where all kinds of student-led trips are listed—all completely free. Scrolling through the options, I noticed an ice skating trip scheduled for the next day on a local lake.

I had heard from friends that the skating conditions had been perfect for the past week, thanks to prolonged periods of freezing temperatures. With a bit of hesitation, I decided to sign up. The pressure of upcoming midterms was increasing, and I wasn't sure if escaping from campus would be productive at the time. 

After attending my classes the next day, I met up with my fellow trip participants and our trip leaders behind Robinson Hall (aka Robo) at 1:30 p.m. We gathered our skates, loaded into a DOC van, and made the short 20-minute drive north to Lake Morey in Vermont.

Before I knew it, I was gliding across a narrow, cleared strip of ice that wrapped around the lake's circumference. I was relieved to find that my skating muscle memory returned quickly (after a period of shakiness and possibly a few falls). The ice was at least six inches thick in the thinnest spots—still plenty thick to be completely safe. The surface was also mostly smooth, though occasional cracks kept me on my toes.

Halfway around the lake, a sudden snow squall swept through, reducing visibility to near-whiteout conditions. The transformation was surreal—one moment, I was skating under clear skies, and the next, I was surrounded by swirling snow. Just as quickly as it arrived, the squall passed, revealing bright sunshine once again. By the time we needed to head back, I had completed a full four-mile loop and had time to skate for another half hour.

A cleared path on the lake with clouds of snow obscuring the horizon.
Skating into whiteout conditions!

By 3:30, we were back on campus—a jarring return to reality after such an immersive experience. Having never skated on such a vast, open body of water before, I was in awe of what I had just done. Before signing up, I had hesitated—worried about falling behind on work or the risk of injury—but the trip had been entirely worth it. Given the chance, I would skate on Lake Morey again in a heartbeat.

Looking ahead to the next five weeks of the term, I hope to embark on more adventures and try new outdoor activities—perhaps even backcountry skiing. Lately, I've also been experimenting with Nordic skiing, so stay tuned for a post on that. Ultimately, these DOC trips are an incredible resource, offering students the chance to step away from the chaos of classes and student life. If something interests you, go for it—you never know what unforgettable experiences await.

A wide angle view of a cleared path on the lake with mountains in the background.
Clear conditions at the end of our skate.

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