A typically beautiful evening glow over the Green
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A photo of the top of the Ledyard Clubhouse. There are many trees, but the river is visible in the background.

As you've probably gathered from my blog posts this term, my overarching goal for spring was to spend as much time outside as possible. Thanks to the Dartmouth Outing Club, the beautiful weather, and Dartmouth's location in the Upper Valley, my goal has been relatively easy to achieve! I've spent a lot of time studying on the porch of Collis, lounging on the Green, and going on Woccoms (walks around Occom Pond)—but my favorite outdoor space has been the Connecticut River. 

I grew up on the shores of the Great Lakes, so when it came time to pick a college, it was important to me that I was near the outdoors and had access to a source of water. A few months after committing to Dartmouth, I remember opening my housing assignment and seeing that I would be living in the "River Cluster." I took this as a good omen, and it really has been! 

This term especially, Ledyard Canoe Club has become my favorite extracurricular activity on campus. I know that after a long day of studying, I can always head down to the clubhouse to relax. And if I'm feeling up to it, I can rent a kayak, canoe, or paddleboard to take down the river. The people of Ledyard are kind, welcoming, and funny. At council meetings, feeds (student-cooked meals at the clubhouse), and on trips, they've encouraged me to try new things and offered advice about everything from developing my kayak roll to which courses I should elect for the fall.  

A photo of a few students getting out a Clipper, a large canoe, near the clubhouse
A photo of a kayak on the Ledyard dock

During my time in Ledyard, I've been given the opportunity to do things that I don't think a student at any other college would be able to do. Last Wednesday, I went canoeing with some of my best friends at midnight to see the (almost) full moon. On the day of the eclipse, we loaded up two vans and trailers and drove a couple of hours north of campus to see the phenomenon from the middle of a lake. A few weeks ago, I rented a kayak between my morning and afternoon classes. 

I love everything about the river. I love cannonballing off the dock after a long day, reading a book while dipping my feet in the cold water, and curling up on one of the comfy clubhouse couches with a snack while talking to friends. I love connecting to the Bluetooth speaker and playing music that reminds me of lake days at home. I love watching my friends work on their paddling skills and introducing the river to more people on campus.

A photo of the Ledyard canoes and kayaks being stored near the river

I've often found myself saying, "There's nowhere I'd rather be" while hanging out near the Connecticut River and that's true. I'm so glad I've found another place on campus that feels like home. I'm sure I'll miss the river while I'm away this summer, and I already know that it's the first place I'll be headed after stepping off of the Dartmouth Coach this upcoming fall.

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