My Top 5 Spring Photos
Spring: When checking the weather app finally becomes a pleasurable experience and I no longer have to reach for my wool socks in the morning. For me, this term has been encompassed by my classes, a theater production, my research lab, and new friends! Below are five of my favorite pictures from my term so far and what they mean to me.

First is a picture from a rehearsal of Winter People. Throughout the fall term, I got together with a couple of '25s to restart the Displaced Theater Company! Our goal is to create a space for anyone interested in contemporary student run theater and run workshops to establish our space as an educational group. In the first few weeks of the spring, we put on our first show!

This picture is of my research in my biomedical engineering lab. In the second phase of my research, I've been using the SEM (scanning electron microscope) to observe porous structures in polyethylene. My mentor and I are super excited about the results we've been seeing and look forward to presenting a poster at a symposium in May.

The Green! My favorite part about the warming weather is seeing students gather together outside and simply enjoy each other's company. This afternoon, a couple friends and I were playing frisbee on the Green when we were approached by a Dartmouth med school student and asked to play Spikeball.

On my walk home to my dorm every night I have to pass underneath the new CECS (Center for Engineering and Computer Science) building and I encountered a beautiful sunset this past Friday.

In "ENGS 12: Design Thinking," we had to build a Rube Goldberg machine that simulated a themed rollercoaster. In this team project-based class, every week has a new design project. Though fast paced, it's been fun! In what other class would I be able to build a Mario Kart themed rollercoaster?
I'm looking forward to the other amazing opportunities Dartmouth spring has to offer!