People, People, People
For this blog post, I want to talk about a few special people I have met thanks to the opportunities Dartmouth provides. I cannot make justice to all the amazing, inspiring, and unique people I have met on campus. I will not be talking about really close friends, roommates, and the like. Instead, I want to focus on people I have met through unexpected circumstances.
Dearest Diane
When I signed up for the International Friendships Family Program, I did not know what to expect. I signed up because the closest family member to me was thousands of miles away, and I felt like I needed to at least catch a glimpse of a family living nearby. Also, it seemed like a good opportunity to get to know people in the Upper Valley. I was matched with Diane, who was a professional orchestral musician. She traveled all over the world, from Finland to Italy, and from Germany to Turkey. I was delighted to learn that she had a special connection with Turkey; She has seen more of it than I have and has even considered living there in the past! I have been meeting with Diane every month or so when we are both in the US. Our conversation topics range from literature to politics, from music to family members. She is a very inspiring and affectionate individual that I am lucky and privileged to know.
I met Adithi, who was a sophomore back then, in my first-year fall when we were both taking PSYC 1: Introductory Psychology. She was sitting next to me, and we would chat before and after each class. I did not see Adithi for months after our psychology course ended. Flashforward to 22F. I ran into Adithi in our dining hall. To our mutual delight, we discovered we were still both psychology majors. We decided to grab a meal, and learned we had much more in common than we ever thought. We both wanted to become clinical psychologists, working roughly in the same area, and had similar visions of what we wanted to change in our lives and the world. I am taking a class together with Adithi this term called the Neuroscience of Mental Illness. I am ecstatic to share a classroom with Adithi once again, who is one of the strongest, coolest, and most inspiring people I have met, not only on this campus.
Coworkers <3
Before coming to campus, I had never worked to earn my own money; Student jobs are just not accessible in Turkey. I had no idea what coworkers were usually like. But I believe I have been extremely fortunate that I had two amazing coworkers in the lab I work in: the Reading Brains Lab. My first coworker was Laurel, who was a senior when I was a first-year and brand new to everything. I learned a lot from her work ethic, her sense of humor, energy, and enthusiasm for everything she did. When Laurel graduated, I got a new coworker, Meg. We quickly learned we had a lot in common: our ideologies, music tastes, and mutual interest in theater. Chatting with Meg and our professor while waiting for the participants has become one of my favorite interactions to look forward to. I hope my friendship with Meg will outlast our job at the lab because I have much to learn from her. She never ceases to make me laugh and inspire me. This term, we have got a new coworker, Daisy, who is one of the coolest '26 (first-years) I have met. In addition to working in the lab, she is also dancing for Sheba, one of my favorite dance groups on campus. I cannot wait to get to know Daisy more.
These were just a few examples of how you meet the most amazing people in different places at Dartmouth. There were countless more I could not mention, but keep reading my blogs; you might run into them!