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A computer sits on a desk in the library with bookshelves behind it. On the screen, a film editing software shows the creation of a short film. In the software, there is an image of a person in a suit and bunny mask surrounded by party lights.

The Jones Media Center (JMC) hosts the library's annual 48-hour film contest every fall term! This event encourages all levels of student filmmakers to create a short film within 48 hours using a specific prompt and prop given by the library staff. Students can form teams or stay solo to make any type of film they wish! Although I adored participating in a group last year, this year, I decided to make a film by myself within the 48 hours as I wanted to work on my own timeline.

To clarify, I am not a film major, but this has been one of my favorite experiences that Dartmouth has brought to me. If I had not done the challenge last year, I would have never considered doing it this year, and this is what Dartmouth is about to me! As someone who studies film scoring—writing the music for movies—this process even helped me be comfortable producing a film for my music senior thesis, which I'll describe in another blog post. Since Dartmouth is a liberal arts college, students are introduced to many new and influential hobbies, and filmmaking is now one of mine.

The physics hallway appears dimly light. It is very long with a black and white checkered floor.
This is one of the locations that appears in my short film! It is the top floor of Wilder Hall where Dartmouth's physics labs are.
The words "Blow It Up, Start Again" appear in the middle of the image. Each word is transparent, leaving behind the image of the actor in the bunny mask in the hallway. Both sides are colored by edited party lighting so the left side is green
"Blow It Up, Start Again" is the title of my short film! This is the title screen for the film.

For this year, the prompt that had to be included was "Before we begin, please sign here. And here." In my film, I had this text appear at the start of the film with someone in a suit signing an electronic contract via coding. The prop that every group had to include was a green, hand-painted pinecone. I used the pinecone as a grenade, adding metallic scraps to it, to guide the central plot of my film. After the contract is signed, the person in the suit walks down the hallway as eerie music lurks in the background. When the individual goes near the camera, they pull the grenade and drop it to release party music and lights. Instantly, the film restarts with the house music and lights to suggest a total reset with glitching editing. For me, the film encourages the idea of starting over to have fun and enjoy what is happening at the moment.

In total, ten groups submitted films, which ended with a film screening in the library on Sunday night with pizza and drinks. Personally, it was amazing to witness the creative approaches to everyone's use of the prompt and props alongside the talent of so many newly made friends. Additionally, I was happy to see many of my friends show up to see the short film that I made within the two days. Now, I have a self-directed short film with original music to add to my portfolio which is amazing! 

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