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Dartmouth Hall Highlighted by the Sunset

Dear Freshman Year,

I wanted to start by thanking you for everything. I'll be honest that when I started, I was really nervous. The thought of leaving my high school friends and family for a school far away scared me.

When I was thrown into the woods surrounding Hanover during Freshman Trips, I got a taste for the outdoors culture that dominates Dartmouth, and I felt more sure for the upcoming year. 

My "tripees" on Freshman Trips!
My "tripees" on Freshman Trips!

Orientation week was a whirlwind. I have never met so many people in one sitting! Bonfires, campus tours and days spent on the Connecticut River brought the Class of 2025 together. 

Fall term threw me into college life. Suddenly I was taking college level courses that really challenged me academically. I learned to ask for help from professors and other students that were invaluable in my classes. I also learned how enjoyable niche topics that college courses cover could be!

Days spent at the Organic Farm
Days spent at the Organic Farm

Winter term was unlike anything I had ever experienced. The -20 degree days definitely challenged me, but I came out tougher and learned to be flexible with not-so-ideal weather days! I learned there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad gear. I started enjoying hockey games, which is nothing short of amazing for a southern girl!

Students building a snowman!
Students building a snowman!

My favorite term this year was definitely spring term. The weather was beautiful, and the Connecticut River and Green were always calling my name. Our annual music festival, Green Key, was nothing short of amazing. My eighth-grade self was so excited to hear the headline performer, KYLE, sing all of his hits.

Freshman year, you have given me countless academic and club opportunities, but what I'll remember most are the friends and connections I've made. While I won't remember every detail I learned in classes, I will never forget the memories I made with my classmates. Shoutout to the people I've met on my floor, clubs, classes, and simply out and about on campus.

That is all to say thank you for the friendships, laughs, and little "hellos" from this year. Twelve more weeks until sophomore year!

With Love,


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