Batuhan Saridede
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Batuhan's D-Plan
What's a D-Plan?-
FallHanover, NH
Favorite Class: WRIT 5: Metamorphosis and OthernessWriting 5 is one of the courses that count towards the first-year writing requirement. The course covered content relating to the self, transformation, and social dynamics relating to majority and minority. Dr. Godley is simply phenomenal. Her instruction was extremely accessible even though she covered intense topics. I could not have enjoyed my Writing 5 more!
WinterHanover, NH
Favorite Class: ENGS 12: Design ThinkingDesign Thinking was above and beyond my expectations. The course is structured around weekly projects, where we apply different cognitive strategies to cover topics like design principles, human need-finding, brainstorming, scenario building, and visual thinking.
SpringHanover, NH
Favorite Class: COGS 1: Introduction to Cognitive ScienceIntroduction to Cognitive Science covers a variety of fields including psychology, computer science, linguistics, and philosophy to provide insight into cognitive processes. This course helped me develop an understanding of all facets of cognitive science and which ones I would be interested in further pursuing as part of my major.
SummerIstanbul, Turkey
I was home during my first summer! A non-exhaustive list of things I've done includes sunbathing, coding my personal blog, and going on runs. #rest #relaxation
FallHanover, NH
Favorite Class: PSYC 10: Experimental Design, Methodology, and Data AnalysisPsychology 10 is a deep dive into almost everything you might need to become well-versed in conducting research, analyzing data, and interpreting findings in a statistically sound manner. Professor Pfister is the most approachable professor I have ever had the pleasure of learning from. Statistics isn't exactly my forté, but I now feel confident in my stats foundation!
WinterToulouse, France
Favorite Class: FREN 12: Advanced Writing and Speaking in FrenchI loved taking this class with Madame Alverde, a professor from Université Toulouse ; Jean Jaures was an incredible experience. She made sure to correct our mistakes on the spot and improve them eloquently.
SpringHanover, NH
Favorite Class: ARTH 63.72: Aesthetics of the DigitalThis course allowed me to explore the intersection of aesthetics and digital media, focusing on how digital environments reshape traditional concepts like materiality and form. I particularly enjoyed comparing human and AI-generated analyses of art and examining the frameworks that shape contemporary digital studies, from visual culture to design philosophy.
SummerHanover, NH
I was on campus pursuing full-time research in the Cognitive Science department. My research focuses on children's capacity to imagine and reason about possibilities!
Bema Pulse
Over the past three terms at Dartmouth, I've immersed myself in photography and discovered a real love for capturing DJ sets through my lens. This fall, I had the chance to photograph Bema Pulse, an outdoor DJ set organized by Booth, the student DJ collective. The event took place in Bema, a scenic, tree-lined area on campus that added to the atmosphere. Drawn by the energy and vibe of the event, I decided to pull up with my camera and capture the pulse of the evening while enjoying the beats. This article shares a selection of my favorite shots from that night, highlighting the unique energy and atmosphere that made Bema Pulse so unforgettable.
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