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My reunions co-workers

This year was my second year working for reunions, and it keeps getting more and more fun. 

For those who—like me just a few years ago—are unfamiliar with the idea, a reunion is when the College invites alums back for a 2-3 days-long get-together with your class. And as a current student, you can work there! You get to meet all these incredible people who know what it's like to be a student at Dartmouth. Alumni often offer current students advice, making this a unique networking opportunity.

However, being able to take a sneak peek into what my life could be like in 50 years is not even the best thing about being at reunions as a student-worker. For me, it was an essential middle step in the transition from campus life to work life—which has turned out to be less abrupt than I thought. For context, one of the reasons I decided to work for reunions again this year was because of the long time window I had in my calendar between the end of spring term classes and the beginning of my summer internship. I was about to move to a much bigger city and was reasonably anxious about it. Having the opportunity to put my mind to work in that meantime was great because it kept me busy, gave me something to look forward to, and even provided solid pocket money for the summer!

I think this might be one of the most underrated student jobs on campus. People don't realize how fun it is to get to know not only the alumni but also the amazing crew behind Alumni Relations and the other student workers—many of whom I had never seen before but ended up becoming great friends of mine!

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