A picture of the Dartmouth Green in the Fall with beautiful fall foliage.
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A 0.5x photo of the inside of the Ombres Blanches bookstore.

Recently on my French Language Study Abroad (LSA+) in Toulouse, France, I've had the pleasure of studying from many new and different places. From aesthetic cafés to libraries with stunning architecture, I've experienced so much!

Pictured above is the best bookstore I've ever been to. After spending an afternoon circling around the gigantic maze of books, "Ombres Blanches" quickly overtook Barnes & Noble as my favorite haven. I even bought two books; one is a bilingual (English & French) version of Maya Angelou's collection of poetry and the second is a children's book about Ballet (a former long-time hobby of mine) in French! My friends and I sat in the pretty garden seating area before continuing our exploration of the city.

A photo of L'estaminot café .
Such a nice café!

L'estaminot is a cute café that was actually recommended to my cohort by the Dartmouth French Department Resident Advisor Florent Gourlaouen. It definitely lived up to the glowing review, and I was surprised by its massive range of teas. I got a very interesting herbal blend that included Toulouse's popular violet flower. A friend and I met in the café on a Sunday afternoon and loved the vibe. The place has an eccentric touch about it with its cozy and charming mismatched seats. In fact, we were grateful to even grab some seats because it's a very popular café. My friend tried one of their homemade pastries and loved it.

A picture of the amazing interieur of the Bibliotheque (library) D'Etude Et du Patrimoine.
Beautiful library!

The Bibliotheque D'Etude Et du Patrimoine (Library of Studies and Heritage) is a wonderful public library that I've studied at a few times. It was built between 1932 and 1935 by Jean Montariol, the Chief Architect of the city of Toulouse, as a place to preserve the city's historical collections. This accounts for an impressive 150,000 old, rare or precious books; 6,000 newspaper titles; and over 250,000 works from 1900 to today. The library's high ornate walls with grand paintings and windows make it feel so special to study inside. Just the other day, I went there with one of my classmates to read an act of the famous French play we're focusing on in our literature class; Cyrano de Bergerac. Even while packed with people, the library is always quiet or "tranquille" as they say in French. 

A picture of me studying at a cafe outside.
Love getting the chance to study outside!

One day it was so sunny and uncharacteristically warm (for winter even though it's never as cold as Hanover), that I was just itching to study outside. So I was so happy to find that a café I had been wanting to visit for a while actually had a great outdoor patio. L'Oiseau Vert café is so cute with its green decor and fairy lights. I had a delicious and pretty blueberry smoothie as I typed up an essay. It was also so nice to hear the bustling of the city around me, although it wasn't too loud at all.

Within the remaining time I have here in France on my LSA+ I really want to study outside along the Garonne river like I've seen many people do on a nice day.

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