Dartmouth is ranked #1 (Forbes, 2024) for schools with active alumni who help students get ahead. For you, that can start today! Join members of the Dartmouth community at a local Admitted Student Reception, held in various national and international locations. Also in attendance: your future classmates! Come mingle, ask questions, and start to feel the Big Green love.


Admitted students are encouraged to register for a reception via their Admitted Student Portal.

Los Angeles, CA
Ojai, CA
Orange County, CA
San Diego, CA
San Francisco/Silicon Valley, CA
Denver, CO
Fairfield County, CT
Hartford, CT
Washington DC
Miami, FL
Atlanta, GA
Honolulu, HI
Chicago, IL
Boston, MA
Baltimore, MD
Minneapolis, MN
St. Louis, MO
Raleigh/Durham, NC
Upper Valley, NH
Short Hills, NJ
Long Island, NY
New York City, NY
Westchester County, NY
Western NY (Buffalo), NY
Oklahoma City, OK
Providence, RI
Austin, TX
Dallas, TX
Houston, TX
London, UK