Finding Time for my Hobbies and Fun!
As I am in the finals week of my fifth term in a row, this seems to me to be a very fitting blog post. Amongst the strong emphasis on academics and awesome extracurriculars and jobs I am experiencing at Dartmouth, there are also many social moments. This term I have been fortunate to enjoy time with friends, photography, mountain biking, hiking, time at the Hood Art Museum, a weekend at home since I live nearby, and exercising with my friends.
First, jumping into photography, for me this is an art form and a skill I am developing—and is also a way to have social experiences. Following some "prom" formal photos last spring, my friends became aware of my skills; this is the first time I am developing my ability to photograph people—what I have been building for a while is nature photography—so, I had a blast taking pictures for our celebration of Halloween this year.

I mentioned that I was able to go home for a weekend, which I have been enjoying every term (except for when I was abroad!). At home, I had some time to hang out with my family and see our dog, but part of why I also chose that particular weekend was to see one of my younger brother's football games and test out my photography skills since I have not done much with athletics. Part of this is that it is my brother's first time playing football, prior to this year he was a long-time soccer player. As you might be able to tell, my brother's jersey number is 5.

I was able to take some time to have a great visit at the Hood Museum of Art, which is right near my dorm on campus and a place I walk by regularly since one of the cafes is in the same building. Appreciating art is something I really enjoy and have done for many years, especially with my mom, so it was nice that we were able to find some time to do this since it has been a while!

I also took a somewhat spontaneous overnight trip with my friend Rai-Ching up to a cabin near the Moosilauke Ravine Lodge (part of the extensive Dartmouth Outing Club network). We had a night hike, cabin overnight, and took a nice morning hike after a light snow that night. I then got to show Rai-Ching the lodge and surrounding bunk houses since I remembered it from the end of my first-year trips.