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Waterfront in St. Johnsbury

On Monday, April 8, 2024, a phenomenal total solar eclipse occurred—and we happened to be within the path of totality. The last time this happened was in 1959—more than 60 years ago! As a result, Dartmouth hosted a variety of eclipse-related events on and off campus. There was an eclipse watch party on the Green, where tons of people gathered to watch wearing eclipse-glasses provided by the College. 

I didn't do that. Instead, I was fortunate enough to go to St. Johnsbury, Vermont, through a trip hosted by the Programming Board. The Programming Board provided us with free transportation, snacks, and eclipse glasses for each person who went! As a result, I got to see the eclipse at 100% totality. 

Statue of a man
A statue at the St. Johnsbury Athenauem

Before the time of totality, I stopped by the St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, a "public library and art gallery," according to their website. There were lots of beautiful statues like the one pictured above, as well as wonderful books for me to read! There was even a shelf filled with free books for people to take, with an emphasis that we were NOT to return them! 

A picture of the cover of the book Translations of Beauty by Mia Yun
I picked up Translations of Beauty by Mia Yun, and managed to get through a good chunk of the book before the eclipse occurred!

Of course, how can I forget the actual eclipse? I have never actually seen a solar eclipse in person, let alone complete totality, and I was awed at how beautiful it was. Mere smartphones cannot capture such beauty. 

A picture of the total eclipse on April 8, 2024
This photo doesn't do the eclipse justice!

After the eclipse, I discovered a nearby bowling alley and went bowling for the first time.  

Bowling scoreboard
I'm not the best bowler in the world, but for my first time, I think I did great!

My trip to St. Johnsbury was a great way to end the weekend! I never counted myself as an avid sun chaser, but this particular day may have changed my mind. 

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