Starting Spring Term with the Outdoors
With the end of winter term, I am finally back to engaging in the Dartmouth Outing Club (DOC) activities! I have always been a huge fan of the DOC, and I have been to the Ledyard Canoe Club's (a subclub of the DOC) multiple rowing activities in the fall. After the winter term ended, I was itching to get back to the rugged beauty that defines our campus. This time, I signed up for a hike with the Cabins and Trails sub club to Lonesome Lake.

Standing amidst the tranquil beauty of our natural surroundings, I couldn't help but reflect on the profound connection we share with the land. As I stood in the very spot where Henry David Thoreau once stood, witnessing the cascade of water into the granite bowl, his words echoed in my mind. Thoreau wrote in his journal, "this is perhaps the most remarkable curiosity of its kind in New England." Though my literary prowess may pale in comparison, I felt an undeniable kinship with his appreciation for the sublime beauty of nature as I sat on a big stone in the middle of a small waterfall, breathing the forest air and feeling the fresh breeze blowing across my hair.

For someone who used to and continues to find solace in nature and the wilderness, I feel incredibly grateful and fortunate that Dartmouth provides me with this natural splendor that I have always longed for. The DOC and natural resources here are unparalleled, and our 115-year-old outing club organizes FREE outdoors trips of all types including canoeing, hiking, and mountain biking, all with various difficulty levels. I have been constantly making new friends through my participation with the Dartmouth Outing Club, and with spring around the corner, I'm excited to share with you more of my hiking stories!