My weekend trip to NYC!
This past weekend I was able to take a Dartmouth-sponsored trip to New York City with my housing community. What does "Dartmouth-sponsored" entail you might ask? Everything from transportation and hotels to excursions and food was covered on the college's dime.
Check out the view from my hotel room:

After settling into my room, later that night I got to go to my first Broadway show—Funny Girl starring Lea Michele!

Following the Broadway show, I got to spend a day exploring the city with my housing community friends as well as experience a 5-course Eataly meal:

I also made time to take a journey through Chinatown and grab a meal from Mei Lai Wah, a classic Chinese bakery spot for traditional buns and rice noodle rolls.

Overall, the trip was amazing and I'm extremely grateful that Dartmouth has the ability to sponsor these kinds of events through the housing community system. If you aren't too familiar with Dartmouth's housing system, basically each first-year student is sorted into a random housing community (out of the six houses I'm in South House) and that ends up being one of your various on-campus community hubs for things like spirit events, dorm location, and in this case off-campus activities. If you're interested in more of the specifics, check out one of my Q&A posts where I delve into more of the nuts and bolts of the system: housing-communities-dartmouth
Housing communities at Dartmouth are a really neat way of fostering close relationships with peers and faculty and are generally pretty underrated in my opinion. It seems like as my time at Dartmouth progresses, I'm introduced to more and more perks of being in the housing community. For instance, fall term I had a lot of great experiences with my UGA (undergraduate advisor) and community dorm dinners, and come spring term I'm now getting fully sponsored trips to NYC as well as other cool things like housing community clothes and discounts to nearby restaurants in downtown Hanover. Not to mention I think housing communities are an incredible resource for participating in otherwise inaccessible, spontaneous trips away from campus! : )
Your friend,