Building Nicknames
Robo (Robinson Hall): Robo is the home of the Student Wellness Center, The Dartmouth student newspaper, and the Dartmouth Outing Club. Robo is at the heart of campus, near Collis Student Center and Foco.

Blobby (Baker Lobby): Blobby is the main lobby in Baker library (Dartmouth's iconic building and center of campus!). Attached to Blobby is the Tower Room, Orozco Mural Room, and the Class of 1902 Room.
The Hop (Hopkins Center for the Arts): The Hop is the home of the arts at Dartmouth and where the arts majors are housed (Film and Media Studies, Studio Art, Music, and Theater). The Hop has several auditoriums and shows multiple shows each week.
Foco (Class of 1953 Commons): Foco is our main dining hall on campus. It is all-you-can-eat, and athletes often come here after team workouts because of the large tables. My favorite Foco "hack" is the gluten-free pretzels with Nutella!

FFB, 2FB, 3FB, 4FB (First Floor Berry, Second Floor Berry, so on…): FFB is the main floor of Berry Library. As you go up the levels, each floor becomes quieter. While FFB is usually lively with lots of students chatting, you can hear a pencil drop on 4FB.
The Cube (House Center B): The Cube (named because of its cubish shape) is the center of West House, one of six housing communities on campus. Each housing community has a central meeting location, and the Cube is West House's meeting place.
The Onion (House Center A): The Onion is the center of South House and is called such because of its unique shape! Students often hang out here because of its central location near the gym.
Alumni and Lev (Alumni Gym and Leverone Field House): Alumni is for all non-athlete students. It has over 130,000 square feet of athletic space to use! Lev is a large field house with an indoor track that the track team uses.
West Leb (West Lebanon): Though not a building, West Leb is the most populated town in the surrounding Upper Valley. Students come here for restaurants as well as stores like Target and Walmart.
AT: The Appalachian Trail runs right through the center of campus. I often see hikers crossing the green. Dartmouth students hike the AT all the time!