Unpacking my first term of courses and answering some common questions about Dartmouth academics.
Julia Cappio 2027
As I am wrapping up my first set of midterms in college, I've gotten very familiar with what study spots work for me. Here are some of my favorites!
Cal Shin 2027 -
a) Academics? b) Social life? c) Something else? Turns out I wasn't that excited about academics. I was just excited about Dartmouth.
Kalina Duncheva 2027 -
In my experience, some of the best courses I've taken at Dartmouth have been outside my immediate area of academic study, and I'd like to give you a term-by-term rundown of them in this blog!
Gavin Fry 2025 -
In this post I present the three courses I am taking during my first 10-week term at Dartmouth. This fall, my course-load is pretty manageable!
Arianna Dunkley 2027 -
Curious about what midterms are like at Dartmouth? Here are my experiences as a junior during the fall term!
Brandon Mioduszewski 2025 -
Just wanted to share a quick update about my classes, friends, and what's been happening on campus!
Matt Catrambone 2026 -
As is true for any long break from studying, it can be pretty challenging to return to school and get back into a solid routine – especially somewhere as fast-paced and rigorous as Dartmouth.
Luke Grayson 2025 -
Getting back into academic rigour and my classes for this term!
Yehalah Fernando 2026