My first Homecoming Weekend experience, featuring the festivities that occurred within the week.
Arianna Dunkley 2027
One email led me to investigate "Breaking the Mold." Read on to find out more!
Nathan Hammerschmitt Le Gal 2027 -
"Living and breathing in third floor Robo" is Dartmouth College Radio's slogan. But, did you know this place has a decades long history? Come check my experiences at DCR!
Antônio Jorge Medeiros Batista Silva 2025 -
If you didn't physically visit campus before choosing Dartmouth, how did you make the decision to enroll? What factors influenced your decision?
A:This is a very good question! I faced a unique challenge as an international student applying during the COVID-19 pandemic—I couldn't physically visit the campuses of the schools I was admitted to, including Dartmouth.
Taylor Wen 2027 -
I sat down with my neighbor, Dr. Daniel Huddleston '00, to learn more about his Dartmouth pre-health and medical experience.
Caroline York 2025 -
By chance, I had the opportunity to meet with a Dartmouth alumnus working as a doctor in Hanoi!
Caroline York 2025 -
As the end of Winter looms and Spring is raring to dawn, why not take a stroll down memory lane, and look at Dartmouth Winters past?
Luke Grayson 2025 -
I thought I would talk to the director of the Admissions Ambassador Program, Meg Lysy '99, in order to learn more about this process. Here's what you need to know about the Dartmouth Admissions Interview and some tips to help you prepare.
Paulina Cuadra 2025 -
Retrospective thoughts on the alumni interview — why I shouldn't have stressed out, and why you shouldn't either!
Kabir Beotra 2026