Have you ever thought of working for reunions? Well, neither did I. But it was super fun, come check what it's all about!
Antônio Jorge Medeiros Batista Silva 2025
I am going into the seventh week of my term in Spain and enjoying it. This opportunity did not happen on a whim for me though, I was looking at this program when I was considering applying to Dartmouth. In this post I recommend a similar approach.
Lily Johnson 2027 -
Sophomore summer is in full swing, and with the campus exclusively for sophomores, it's a vibrant and relaxed atmosphere. I'm on campus to enjoy this unique experience, diving into activities like cooking, research, and outdoor outings!
Memo Tangtipongkul 2026 -
Adventures in Pellworm, an island destination for two days!
Yehalah Fernando 2026 -
In the Winter term of 2024, I composed and performed an hour-long, avant-garde concert as the culmination of the grant award. Here is more on my experiences with research as a musician.
Chase Harvey 2025 -
How Financial Aid works for my study abroad program in Berlin and how I am budgeting my time here!
Yehalah Fernando 2026 -
An excursion to Görlitz, a city in Germany with ancient architecture and where great films have been made!
Yehalah Fernando 2026 -
Over half of Dartmouth students study abroad at least once during their undergraduate journeys—quite a high percentage, right? Do you want to know how to best prepare for your own abroad experience? Come check what it was like for me.
Antônio Jorge Medeiros Batista Silva 2025 -
I have written about being a student worker plenty of times in the past, but I have yet to talk about one of my favorite jobs ever: ticket selling at the Hopkins Center for the Arts.
Eda Naz Gokdemir 2025