Youmi Ji
Youmi's D-Plan
What's a D-Plan?-
FallHanover, NH
Favorite Class: WRIT 5: Understanding the Craft of Dramatic WritingDartmouth offers a variety of different first-year writing classes across disciplines, but “Understanding the Craft of Dramatic Writing” caught my attention right away upon browsing the descriptions of all 32 classes offered this year. As an avid binge watcher of TV shows, movies, and short films, I couldn’t wait to explore my favorite pastime hobby in a classroom with peers. I also had the chance to explore theatrical plays, which is a literary medium that I’ve always wanted to explore but never had the opportunity or resources to. What I love the most, though, are the weekly check-in sessions led by Professor Carabastos — through these short life updates, our class formed a relationship beyond just being classmates. I’m so glad to have chosen this class!
WinterHanover, NH
Favorite Class: SART 15: Drawing 1Dartmouth offers a wide range of unique classes, and this term, “Drawing 1” has been my favorite. Even though it’s not directly related to my academic interests, I’ve always been passionate about art but never had the opportunity to fully explore it before. This class has given me the chance to experiment with techniques and express myself creatively, but what I love most are the critique sessions. Hearing my classmates share their interpretations of the same drawing has been eye-opening—it’s fascinating to see how everyone’s perspective adds a new layer of meaning. The discussions have deepened my appreciation for art and made every class a rewarding experience.
My Fall term Highlight: Halloween and Homecoming Bonfire!
Photos from Halloween and Homecoming!
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