Venturing into Venture Capital: Part 1
Yes, you read that right—Shark Tank! I just spent the entire weekend in Boston with my team competing in the Venture Capital Investment Competition (VCIC). What's crazier is that just a few months ago, I knew nothing about this.
So let's take a step back.
At Dartmouth, the Magnuson Center for Student Entrepreneurship hosts an eight-week intensive VCIC workshop with a Tuck Professor, Jim Feuille' 79, for students who are interested in Venture Capital, which evaluates and invests into startups—like Shark Tank! Shout out to Professor Jim, this has been his 7th year leading this program for FREE! Though I had no experience in the field of finance or specifically venture capital, throughout the 8-week program, we learned about all the nitty gritty details from learning to build models, doing due diligence, and presenting a pitch on companies! At the end we even got to do an internal Dartmouth competition where we invited real founders of startup companies to show us their innovative technology.

Then in late December, I received the best news in my email when I was at the airport catching a flight back to New York—I got an invitation to represent Dartmouth at the New England competition for VCIC! The Dartmouth team consists of me, Julia '28, and upperclassmen mentors: Jake '27, Cooper '27, Andrew '27, and Shira '27! VCIC is no joke, within a 72 hour time frame, we are given three companies to research on and pitch one at the finals. To up the stake, there are 15 judges who are scoring us throughout the entire process. So, leading up to the competition, I am getting ready through mock competitions with my team, who were all amazing mentors of mine, against the MBA Tuck team.
The stakes are high: for the past few weeks, we'd go into Tuck for the mock competition around 3 P.M. and get out at 10PM. Though, my favorite part was that we'd get a rejuvenating team dinner after every session—no matter how tired I was, I'd be instantly healed by my team's affectionate laughter and explosive energy! There's so much opportunity as a Dartmouth student to interact with scholars like Prof. Jim, who loves to teach, and I cannot wait to update you guys on the coming competition which is in less than 5 days. Dartmouth is a place where liberal arts intersect with curiosity. Even as a first-year student, I've been able to explore so many different regions of studies—I would've never imagined myself learning all about investing as a shark (from Shark Tank)!