Skiway Shenanigans
I've been telling my tours and info sessions since I first started giving them that Dartmouth has its own ski hill. While it's very much true, and I know many people who've gone and loved it, up until this past weekend, I'd never actually been to the Dartmouth Skiway myself. This surprises a lot of people when I tell them, given that I'm from Colorado, but I skied twice in fifth grade and then never again. Because I didn't have much experience, I never got back into it in college, even though Dartmouth does, as I've already said, have some of the greatest built-in skiing opportunities you can find at a college or university.
This weekend, though, was my senior Winter Carnival. I'd said on this blog at the start of the term that I wanted to make the most of my time remaining at Dartmouth, and my main bucket list item for Winter Carnival was the Polar Plunge, but misfortune befell Hanover this weekend in the form of the warmest weekend we've had all winter. The temperature rendered the ice on Occom Pond unsafe to stand on and the Polar Plunge impossible to facilitate, so it was canceled. Still, I was determined to do something fun and wintry this weekend all the same. The great news is that the Dartmouth Skiway had free lift tickets for all students this past Thursday and Sunday!

After an early FoCo breakfast this Sunday, several friends and I carpooled over to the Skiway, with experiences ranging from skiing multiple times a week to never having skied before. I was a bit nervous since it had been over a decade since I'd last put on skis, but once we warmed up on the bunny hill a few times, the basics came back to me pretty easily. From there, we got on the chairlift and went up the mountain for real. I'd been wondering earlier in the morning if I should've bothered coming or if I'd have any idea what I was doing, but I was so glad I decided to go along. The weather was beautiful! I really enjoyed the time with my friends. I love a good adrenaline rush, and I only fell once!
On the way back from the Skiway, my friends and I stopped for coffee and then watched a movie together in our house's living room later that evening. It was a wonderful cap on my senior Winter Carnival, though now, of course, I have plenty of work to catch up on :) If a slightly unexpected turn of events, I'm so glad this carnival weekend happened the way it did, and the highlight was definitely the Skiway--whether or not you have any skiing or snowboarding experience, I'd definitely recommend checking it out while you're at Dartmouth!