Spend Winterim with First-Years
Winterim is our 6 week long Winter break. It starts at Thanksgiving and ends roughly after New Year's Day. Many students spend their break different ways, from internships, family vacations, working at home, spending time on campus, and more!
This might seem overwhelming, and that's ok! You might be wondering "what is there to do for six weeks?" Keep reading to find out about the countless possibilities in Winterim, and what my friends in particular did!
Amelia Kwon:
Amelia went skiing with her family and enjoyed spending time with her family and friends in San Francisco.

Maytal Meskin:
Maytal worked as an ophthalmic technician at a local eye doctor in Connecticut for part of break! When not hard at work, she visited family in Florida, went on vacation, and saw friends (Sharika and I!) and family.
Sharika Shithi:
Sharika hung out with some (objectively) super cool and funny Dartmouth friends (Maytal and I) in and around NYC. She also had fun learning how to ski with her family in Pennsylvania and going to local goat farms!
Taara Verma:

Taara took a trip with her best friend and family for New Years. She also worked at her local Christmas market as an outdoor market vendor! Moreover, she kept up with her powerlifting routine for the club she competes in at Dartmouth, and visited friends at college. (Our break is pretty cool. For the first few weeks of our break, most colleges still have class. This means we can go visit our friends at other colleges!)

Ellenia Paty:
Ellenia traveled to Tennessee to see family, hung out in DC, her hometown, for the holidays with family, and went skiing with her family in Utah. She also went on the DOC Ledyard Canoeing Break Trip in the Rio Grande!!! She also met up with many other first-years who live near her in DC.
Grace Winters:
Grace hung out with family and friends in her hometown, and worked at a local store. She found this blend of work and relaxation both productive and enjoyable. She also reunited with a first-year friend in Boston during the holidays!
I hope you enjoyed learning about what my friends decided to do during their first 6 week long break! To be clear, this is just a sample of what Dartmouth students get up to during Winterim, and is by no means how everyone spends their break. There are so many possibilities!