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An image of the Green from the east side, covered in snow, with people ice skating on the rink on the Green

I find winter term to have a unique energy; with the campus cold and covered in snow, there ends up being nothing more cozy than sitting in the library or my dorm, looking out the window and watching the snow float by. It makes classes fun, too! I love getting to work on my experiment for my chemistry class and looking out the window to see snowflakes falling in droves—they make the lab seem cozy, too. 

My first class for this term is Organic Chemistry 2, the second intro organic chemistry class in the sequence. We are learning more about organic molecules, electron density, and reactivity this term. I hope my experience last term will prepare me for this class. From the labs to the exams to drawing hexagonal molecules, I feel a bit more familiar with the rhythm of organic chemistry. 

An image of a chalkboard with a man standing in front of it drawing organic molecules on the board.
A scene from one of my lectures!


My second class for this term is a history course, Slaves and Rebels of Korea, taught by Professor Soyoung Suh. The course covers the Joseon Dynasty in Korea and its unique social structure, focusing primarily on the enslaved people in the era. Did you know that there was a long-lasting institution of slavery in Korea? Before this class, I didn't, and—as a Korean-American—I was intrigued to learn more. It's a class unlike what I have taken before, and I'm excited to see where it goes!

My third class, which I'm rather excited about, is Songwriting 1, taught by Professor César Alvarez! As you may or may not know, I enjoy writing songs on top of playing classical piano—I've written and shared a couple of songs already, and it's a hobby that I'd like to develop and learn more about. Unfortunately, I had little time to write songs during the last school year! Taking this class, I hope to have the space to produce some songs during an academic term, learn more about songwriting and composition, and listen to my classmates' songs! I've written three songs so far for the class (a song per week!), and I've appreciated the space for experimenting with music, receiving feedback, and sharing music! I hope it can also be a good primer for my next term, my foreign study program in London for music. 

A picture of a black recording microphone in front of a laptop
The class also provided us recording equipment! I feel a bit sorry for my floormates, though...

And those are my three classes for the term! I feel that, so far in my time at Dartmouth, I've really aimed to have a balanced set of courses, and I've been able to have do that thanks to the school's focus on liberal arts. With a science course, history course, and music course this term, I feel that my brain can feel a bit fresher as I can switch between disciplines and continue to think in different ways throughout the week. Here's hoping that I feel the same for the rest of the term!

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