One Half In—Where To Next?
Fresh off of Sophomore Summer, I arrived at Dartmouth ready to "do it all over again"—the chaotic but exciting fall term, the studious yet serene winter term, and the celebratory spring term. And yet, something feels different in the air than when I was last here.
As an upperclassman now, the responsibility of providing and "defining" the Dartmouth experience for new students on campus and the students still here feels stronger than ever. With the newness of a first-year and sophomore experience, I still felt at the whim of Dartmouth as an institution, as I learned more about how this school worked. But with the emergence of my junior year, I think I finally understand the power of Dartmouth not just as a reputable institution but an institution that is shaped by its students. The evidence is everywhere: from First-Year Trips, where fellow students are Trip Leaders to first-years during their orientation hiking/camping trips, to student jobs, where friendly faces will be the ones at reception desks or taking cafe orders, to Learning Fellows and Teaching Assistants, where students who have taken a certain course will help out a new class with that course by offering study tips, guidance, and advice. Dartmouth continues to shift and change with the people that occupy it at that time.
This term, I have been given more opportunities to shape Dartmouth for my peers. As a first-time peer tutor, I get the chance to help students through a challenging course that I went through around the same time last year. As an upperclassman in my acapella group, I am slowly being incorporated into leadership roles. Due to the small nature of the school, I feel that every class and every person places an impact on the college, and sets the experience for the students who come next. Each student at Dartmouth provides their unique space and perspective on the school, and as I have gotten to know more and more students, I realize that my Dartmouth experience would be different even if a single person were not present.

As an admissions blogger, I have always held some responsibility for representing the school and its nature to prospective students and anyone else who may be interested. I feel that responsibility more strongly now, as someone who shapes Dartmouth at the same time as blogging about what Dartmouth is!
Through my junior year and senior year, I hope to continue learning more about myself and the world through Dartmouth, but also to use Dartmouth as the avenue it can be, to use it as the road towards a future that I want for myself and the world. I hope that this blog reflects the same, and showcases Dartmouth through the lens of an upperclassman.