The always stunning view from Mt Cardigan - pictured are Mts. Moose, Holt's Ledge, Winslow Ledge, and Smarts
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A group image of the Magnuson Center Student Leadership Board.

So what is the Magnuson Center for Entrepreneurship? Well, the name sort of gives it away, but I promise there's a lot more to the center than a descriptive title. I've mentioned it before in my prior posts about a program called TuckLab (read those here and here!), but I believe all the resources and opportunities deserve their very own blog post. 

First of all, the Magnuson Center is simply a place where any student can come and begin their entrepreneurial journey at Dartmouth. It's located in the brand new Class of 1982 Engineering and Computer Science building, which is on the west end of campus next to the Thayer School of Engineering. It's a sleek, modern space with closed rooms and open tables for meetings—it has a distinct Google-vibe. The real gems of the Magnuson Center, however, are all the kind, brilliant, and experienced staff members that help guide you on your entrepreneurial journey. The team hosts informational seminars about upcoming programs and offers one-on-one advising. It doesn't matter if you just want to learn more or are at real stage in your startup, office hours are always available. Now, I'd like to get into my personal experience with the center and plug some opportunities.

The glass door entrance to the Magnuson Center
Here is the entrance, I really should take more pictures of the inside though (Image credit: Katelyn Hadley).


"Student Entrepreneurship Education and Discovery": this is the on-campus entrepreneurship club, of sorts, run by the Magnuson Student Leadership Board (another great way to get involved). Every Tuesday, a bunch of really cool Dartmouth people gather in the center to listen to a visiting guest speaker or hear about a particular student-led startup. So far, SEED has allowed me to hear from venture capitalists, lawyers, as well as early and late stage startup consultants. Food is always provided and plenty of time is allocated to discussion at the end of each talk! I would recommend SEED to anyone looking to get a taste of what the center has to offer.

Mentor Mixer Program

This is the program that's been keeping me busy since winter term and TuckLab ended. It's for early-stage startups to receive advising (and make connections along the way); each startup is paired with a new mentor to meet with every week. Currently, my startup is working on prototyping a type of modular running shoe and the legal implications of such a technology. Thus far, we've talked to the former CEO of a major company in addition to lawyers for our founders' agreement and potential for a patent application. The program has opened my eyes to the power of the Dartmouth alumni network—each of our mentors has been incredibly receptive and helpful. 

Interdisciplinary Opportunities

The Magnuson Center is also highly connected to many different departments beyond, say, economics. Common pathways to entrepreneurship include Engineering and Computer Science majors (both are great options, as the DALI Lab (Digital Applied Learning and Innovation) and Harold Cable Makerspace are located right next door); however, there are no requirements to have a certain major. You could be a government and public policy minor interested in social entrepreneurship, or a studio art major interested in the fashion business. This is what I love about the center and entrepreneurship in general: you can apply it to nearly any field and pursue rewarding, meaningful work. All options are available at the Magnuson Center. 

You just need to choose.

Wood sign for the Magnuson Center
Possibilities, possibilities, and more possibilities.

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