Maximiliano Beas
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Day in My Life!
I start my Mondays relatively bright and early. I set my alarm for 7 AM (and snoozed it a couple of times) and then I try to leave French Hall (my dorm in the River Dorm Cluster) around 7:30. From there, I walk to the dining hall (FoCo). I'm not much of a breakfast person, so I usually just grab coffee and a banana. Occasionally, I'll get an omelet from the omelet station, which is very good. I walk up to the second floor of FoCo, which this early in the morning is usually empty, and I grab a booth by myself. I take this time to brush up on anything important in my classes, finish up some readings, glance at my homework, etc. It's nice to have some time to myself in the mornings before classes, even if it means waking up earlier to do so.
At around 8:40 I start walking to Kemeny Hall, for my Math 8 lecture. Math 8 runs from 8:50-9:55. After class ends, I walk right over to Dartmouth Hall, where my Spanish 20 class is held. It's a pretty short walk, at least compared to most walks I take since I live in the River. Spanish 20 runs from 10:10-11:15. After class I am usually pretty hungry, so I walk back to FoCo to grab some lunch. Depending on what I'm feeling, I'll grab stir fry, soup, pizza, or a sandwich from one of the various FoCo stations.

After lunch, I'll walk back down Tuck Mall and go to the Irving Institute, one of my favorite buildings on campus. I'll usually go straight to the Feldberg Business and Engineering Library, and I snag a spot in one of the cubicles on the left. Before I start studying, I head over to the Fern Cafe, also in Irving, and grab either an iced vanilla latte or an iced matcha latte. I love a little caffeine boost to fuel my study session. On this particular Monday, I was focused on reviewing material for my Math 8 midterm exam.

Depending on the day, and how well I slept the night before, I might go back to my dorm and take a nap, or just have some downtime before going to a club meeting, another meal, or anything like that. On this day I thought a good nap and time to relax was in order before my midterm, so I did that.
My midterm was at 5, so I started walking over about 20 minutes before. Once I got there, I found a seat, got settled, and took the exam. Math 8 isn't an easy class, at least for me, but I'm confident in how I did! The midterm ran from 5-7 PM, so I headed over to Foco for dinner. Just like lunch, what I eat varies, depending on what soups they have, if there's stir fry, and what the A9 station (the allergen station) is serving. I almost always get a cookie though, since they're extremely delicious.

After dinner, I'll walk back to my dorm, maybe hang out in the common room for a little while, and then start winding down. I always find myself keeping my Mondays relaxed, as I'm usually pretty busy on Sundays and Tuesdays, so I like giving myself a break. I'll text some friends and family, and maybe play some video games. On Tuesdays my classes start later, so I always have the luxury of staying up a bit later and sleeping in a little. I also always end my days by writing down anything notable that happened. This way, at the end of the week, I can see what happened, and reflect on how the week went. I hope you enjoyed this day in the life!
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