Senior Week Reflections
It's hard to put into words how special senior week was. I probably wouldn't have stayed around for senior week if it wasn't for my sister's graduation (yay, Bea!). In fact, most of my friends were back home enjoying the beginning of their summers. But for me (and a couple of my friends who stayed around to work), a new Dartmouth experience was just beginning. And, in turn, my feelings about the College shifted, too.
Senior week felt a lot like orientation week, if you can believe it. Dartmouth hosted endless ways for '24s to celebrate each other. Orientation week kicked off with a speech by Lee Coffin, the Dean of Admissions. He talked about all of our classes accomplishments during high school (did you know that a '27 was a firefighter? I didn't!). Similarly, the valedictory address by Brian Zheng '24 mentioned all of the triumphs of the outgoing class. While housing communities had hosted events for incoming first-years in the fall, senior week featured an "around the world" cocktail hour so that '24s could get to know peers who were headed to work in the same region. Noticing the parallels between the two weeks made me unexpectedly emotional. It feels like I just started at this school, but senior week made me realize just how quickly my time will come to a close.
I know that sentiment might come across as overly dramatic, but I think it is a crucial idea to consider as you embark on your college search. Find a school that makes you mourn the loss of it before you even begin. Find a school where you can't imagine life without it. When I was exploring colleges, I realized that school was Dartmouth for me. But you—and only you—can determine what institution feels right for you.