How To Get The Most Out Of Your Winterim
Winterim—describing the six-week break between fall and winter quarters at Dartmouth—seemed intimidating to me as I was applying to colleges. Not only was the break longer than most other schools, it also fell at a different time. How was I going to fill such a long vacation without having my high school friends around?
After experiencing two winterims myself, I finally feel qualified to give some advice. The short story is that winterim doesn't have to be a scary thing; instead, it can be a period of reflection and growth before the next quarter.
My first piece of advice is to find a structured program to participate in. One of my friends, Juliet, interned with an organization near her home with funding from the Dartmouth Center for Social Impact. Another friend, Flora, participated in the TuckLAB winter program, learning key business skills for future careers. I decided to spend a week completing a Wilderness First Responder course up near Moosilauke Ravine Lodge (an entire blog post dedicated to my time taking my WFR class coming soon!). Regardless of what you want to spend your time doing—be it practicing rescues in the freezing cold or working on professional development—find something structured that you'll find fun and enjoyable!

My second piece of advice is to stay connected to your Dartmouth friends! Although hometown friends might still be in classes, nearly everyone at Dartmouth is in the same boat! This winterim, I scheduled weekly calls with my friends, FaceTimed while finishing trashy TV shows, and even drove three hours to Portland to visit two of my best friends from Dartmouth. Staying in touch can be so good for everyone's mental health.

Winterim can truly be one of the best parts of the Dartmouth quarter system. If you do some legwork—scheduling some time to see friends and finding interesting short-term programs to participate in—the six-week break can be filled with learning, relaxation, and joy.