'26s Through the Looking Glass: Why Dartmouth?

Evan Jaffe
What is a hidden gem at Dartmouth? - In my short time here, I've realized that the mind does its best work when finding new spaces to study; one of those spots is the East Reading Room located just off of Blobby (Baker Lobby). The East Reading Room has really nice natural lighting, and it's quiet enough to the point where I do Hebrew vocab, or study for an Econ exam, and it's not too isolated—you're surrounded by books, which absolutely stimulates the mind. Another hidden gem is Occom Pond. I love going on Woccoms (Walking at Occom) with my friends whether it is a little study break or just to appreciate some nature.
Describe your transition into Dartmouth. - I had some prior experience living on my own at sleep-away camp and some backpacking trips, so living on my own wasn't a huge transition. However, I would say it was a large transition socially. Just being on campus, and constantly being surrounded by friends and new people was very scary at first; however, I quickly learned to love it through Orientation Week programming and especially Trips (Evan is one of my trippees—so much tripsluv). Academically, I accept the challenge of being here as it makes it worthwhile.
How have you made Dartmouth yours? - One of the ways I connect with places is connecting to people. I've gotten involved with a bunch of student spaces on campus that make me really love being here. With a capella, frisbee, and Hillel, I've found places that I enjoy spending my time, and places where I feel like people motivate me to become a better version of myself while helping people do the same.
Why Dartmouth? - I love how community-minded Dartmouth is. People going to a small school in the middle of the woods are very content with being surrounded by each other and finding ways to get to know each other better. The academics here are very intense and beyond interesting [with professors bringing so much to the table], but it's not cutthroat and people aren't super competitive, which I appreciate since my high school was pretty competitive. Dartmouth is a nice hub for togetherness and learning; and the place where those intersect, which seems to be everywhere on campus.
Liliana Ciraulo
What is a Dartmouth hidden gem? - Fairchild Hall. I took Earth Science 1 and my lab was in Fairchild, which I found to be very calming because there are huge windows where you can see the nature and everything outside; it was also really pretty when it was snowing so it brought me a lot of peace [my first term here] when I was adjusting.
Describe your transition into Dartmouth. - I participated in the Native/Indigenous pre-orientation program, which was a few days before regular orientation. It was a good way to get me accustomed to campus in a comfortable setting with people of similar backgrounds, and it made me feel less anxious. In terms of classes, I took one hard class and two "easier" classes to ease my way into college life since I knew it was going to be very rigorous, but I really emphasized balance and hope to maintain that as the terms continue.
How have you made Dartmouth yours? - In two ways: By trying really different things I've never been exposed to, and also keeping things that I love from home close to my heart. In terms of trying new things, I am taking advantage of many of the outdoorsy activities Dartmouth has to offer: for example, taking ski lessons at Dartmouth Skiway. I'd never seen snow before because I'm from Hawai'i, so I decided to take ski lessons this winter term, which was a very fun experience for me. In terms of things more comfortable, I was a dancer back home and I wanted to continue dancing here but try a different style so now I'm a hip-hop dancer—I really love Ujima Dance Troupe.
Why Dartmouth? - I really like the idea of a ten-week term because it allows me to take more classes than just taking a certain amount of classes all the way from January to May; we are changing classes so often, so it allows me to meet more professors and try more classes in different departments [I came in here knowing I was going to be very indecisive in terms of my major]. Because I'm an Indigenous student, I really liked that there's a prevalent indigenous presence on campus; and although the College has a very, very troubling history with indigenous people, I do appreciate that they are hopping on stepping stones to be better—we do a lot of fun things on campus like Pow-Wow and Lū'au are coming up, and I just generally appreciate going to a school where there's a Native and Indigenous Studies program with profs here dedicated to that. And third, everybody is just really silly, and I mean that. I like that Dartmouth feels very chill and people don't take themselves too seriously all the time; there's a time and place to be serious, but we wear flair sometimes and we have [weird] lingo, and it's a small school where most people know each other—it's very fun for me.
Paulie Horvath
What is a Dartmouth hidden gem? - The Wheeler 2 (one of the freshman dorms) common room is a really awesome space where I can watch the sunset every night through this amazing window that faces the sunset, which is very pretty. It's also a great space to watch TV, or just hang out with friends and do work.
Describe your transition into Dartmouth. - When I first got to Dartmouth, I was super anxious and nervous about making friends, and fitting in. I moved to a single room in Wheeler, and found a really strong community in my dorm, made some really strong friendships, got involved in a lot of things I really wanted to do like a capella, and started to find my people and community at Dartmouth. Once I started opening myself up to Dartmouth, I really started to love it, and then my transition was so much easier.
How have you made Dartmouth yours? - For a while, Dartmouth wasn't really mine because my dad went here [shoutout Jim '89] so it was always my dad's version of Dartmouth and him touring me around [and introducing me to all of his friends]; that was my version of Dartmouth for so long, so when I got here, I really just wanted to make it mine. I just started to do things that I really loved like going to the [Dartmouth] Skiway with friends, joining a cappella, and took a lot of classes that I really liked like "Acting for Musical Theatre" which was so awesome. I think if you take advantage of what you think is special about Dartmouth, it's really easy to make it yours.
Why Dartmouth? - This is cliche, but the people are what really makes Dartmouth special. Everyone who comes here really wants to be here, and really wants to experience the culture and tight-knit community that exists here. Being sequestered in the woods and mountains in rural New Hampshire seems like a tall task, but once you get here, it just feels like such a loving and awesome space for people to just come and indulge in the things they want to do. The community and people are really what makes Dartmouth, Dartmouth. Even after Dartmouth [like I've seen through my dad], he's still super tight with all his friends; it's amazing to see that after 30 plus years outside of Dartmouth, he's able to maintain these relationships and love for Dartmouth.
Lucinda Gullison
What is a Dartmouth hidden gem? - The Center for Social Impact. They have a wide variety of programs that do a lot of meaningful work to connect Dartmouth to the greater Upper Valley community; their building is also a great study space.
Describe your transition into Dartmouth. - I think my transition to Dartmouth was quite smooth because I went to boarding school before, which is similar in a lot of aspects. The hardest thing to get used to was all of the unexpected things you encounter as an international student. Additionally, Trips made it really easy to meet people. (Lucinda is also one of my fellow trippees!)
How have you made Dartmouth yours? - Dartmouth gives you a lot of freedom in choosing your courses and scheduling your life. You often hear that "at Dartmouth, you can do anything but not everything," which I think really holds true. For me, this means taking classes that I am personally really interested in, and participating in the Woman in Science Project, SIBS (social impact mentoring program), Dartmouth Law Journal, club running, club nordic, and mountain biking.
Why Dartmouth? - I knew I wanted to go to a smaller, liberal arts college on the East Coast with a distinct campus and outdoor opportunities. What made Dartmouth stand out to me was academically, there are really strong programs in QSS and applied math which is what I'm interested in. Also, everyone I talked to who went here was so passionate about the school and confident that I would love it just as much as they did, which solidified my decision to apply ED.
Tyler Grubelich
What is a Dartmouth hidden gem? - The Dartmouth alumni network. I didn't realize how much Dartmouth alums love being Dartmouth alums; and as a result of that, they're willing [and very eager] to help out Dartmouth students with whatever they need. A lot of Dartmouth alums are really successful and they will help Dartmouth students get different opportunities and internships. One of my friends contacted a Dartmouth alum about doing research over the summer; and even though he didn't have a research open for her, he sent her resume around the department and now [my friend] has a research position because he just really loved being part of the Dartmouth community and wanted to help a fellow member of the [Dartmouth] community out. So, I think that's a really great aspect of Dartmouth.
Describe your transition into Dartmouth. - Coming into college, like most people, I was really scared and worried at first about making friends [and stuff like that]. What really helped me transition was Dartmouth's First-Year Trips; I was really able to really connect with my trippees on our kayaking trip. Everything about Trips made me feel so connected to the Upper Valley and to Dartmouth, and it really felt like I'm meant to be here.
How have you made Dartmouth yours? - Coming in, I didn't really consider myself an outdoorsy person. That aspect of Dartmouth didn't really factor into me choosing to go here, but as I started to visit the (Connecticut) River and go on more hikes, I really found myself increasingly drawn to the outdoors and exploring the wholesome activities that Dartmouth has to offer—and it really has changed my perspective on what you can do to have fun and engage yourself in this community.
Why Dartmouth? - My favorite thing about Dartmouth really is the tight-knit community. As an applicant, I didn't fully understand what that meant, but just living around such nice people, and in a welcoming and warm environment makes you feel like you're at home, and has made my college experience extremely great so far.