A *Warm* Welcome back to Hanover!
There's always been a part of me that has been fascinated by snow and winter weather. Now, I'm from the south. Specifically, I'm from an area of the south that doesn't experience a whole lot of dynamic weather during the winter months. In fact, our "winter," if you could even call it one, is a mix of cold, wet rain and mud everywhere you look. There were many things I was looking forward to when I came back to Dartmouth's campus for winter term, but that child in me was still head-over-heels for the upcoming powder.
Of course, I've established on this blog that I'm a weather nerd. I had been looking at the forecasts for this snow event for quite some time leading up to it. Once I knew that snow was definitely going to find it's way onto campus, I knew I wanted to take advantage of such a gorgeous time of the year in Hanover. The thing about Dartmouth that I have yet to convey to you all is how encouraging it is to explore not only your academic niches, but specific hobbies as well!
I made the decision to rent one of Jones Media Center's high quality cameras to do some nature and snow photography the morning of the snow. My word did this bring me joy! I know you always hear about Dartmouth's beauty and whatnot, but this was on a different level. Not only was I able to take advantage of Dartmouth's resources, but I found myself genuinely happy that the staff supported and encouraged a novice photographer like myself to go out and have an adventure! So, I did.
This day was quite possibly my favorite of all time at Dartmouth. I started off by waking up fairly early in the morning to photograph the first snowflakes that fell. Afterwards, I went to my morning class and couldn't help but get distracted at the gorgeous scene right outside the window. Nevertheless, it put me in positive spirits, and I cranked right through my government class! Then, I went ALL across campus. From Occom Pond and the Dartmouth Green to the cemetery and beyond, I was captivated by what I was able to see. Don't take my word for it, have a look for yourself!

I just can't express to you how happy this day made me. I was able to be enveloped by something that I loved dearly and develop my hobby in such a beautiful atmosphere. Not to mention, at the end of the night, at midnight to be exact, Dartmouth held a "formal" snowball fight on the Green. It was absolutely amazing to witness and be a part of. I just don't think I could ever have an experience at another college like this night. It was beautiful: the nature, the people, the snow… all of it!